Saturday, January 15, 2011

UGA Groom's Cake

This was the structure that my dad and I built for the cake!

After the cakes were stacked and "dirty iced"

Finished product! :)

Most of the family was UGA fan's and some were GT fans.  The bride thought it would be funny to have UGA eating a yellow jacket!

This was the setup at the wedding!

This was the first cake of this caliber that I have done so far! It was also the biggest cake I have ever made! This was almost as big as an actual bulldog!!

I was VERY nervous about doing this cake because I have never done anything like this before and it was for a wedding so I wanted everything to be PERFECT!

I was pleased with the outcome of the cake, there were a few fondant flaws that I wish I could have changed, and smoothed some edges out!

I learned a lot from this cake, and I hope I get a chance to do many more like this!! :)

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